February 2017
David Feldman, Professor of Planning, Policy and Design, is quoted in KABC-TV Los Angeles for his insight on whether California's drought is over after the recent rainfall. In this article, he cites the importance to prepare for a drought before one is declared, and to ultimately use water wisely.
From KABC-TV Los Angeles:
Feldman said it's important to prepare for a drought before one is declared. He recommends that the U.S. follow Australia's example by harvesting rainwater and recycling wastewater.
Most of all, he urged Americans not to take the nation's water for granted
"Droughts are not just limited to California and the Southwest," Feldman said. "Other areas of the U.S. have been through periods of water stress and drought from time to time. We want to do everything we can ... to protect our water, to conserve it ... to recycle it if we can, just to treat it more wisely than we have in the past."