PhD Candidates on the Job Market

Ian Baran

1. Dissertation Title: "Policing as Carceral Community Development: Los Angeles' investment in the carceral state and the ongoing community and labor challenges" 

2. Dissertation Committee: Virginia Parks (Chair), Hun Kim, Toussaint Losier, Walter Nicholls, Tiffany Willoughby-Herard

3. Research Interests: Carcerality, Community Development, Community Organizing, Labor Unions, Political Economy, Racial Capitalism, State Theory, Urban Social Movements

4. CVHere


Aishwarya Borate

  • Dissertation Title: "Household Recovery Following Floods: How is it understood, measured, and what affects it? Case studies from India"
  • Dissertation Committee: Dr. Maura Allaire (Co-chair), Dr. David Feldman (Co-chair), Dr. Douglas Houston, and Dr. John Hipp
  • Research Interests: Environmental Planning and Policy; Environmental and Climate Justice; GIS and Remote Sensing; and Advanced Quantitative Methods
  • CV: here
  • Websitehere