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UCI Water-PIRE "Every Last Drop" Video


Learn more about the research and educational activities of UCI Water-PIRE and its Undergraduate PIRE Program (UPP) Down Under, made possible through competitively awarded by the National Science Foundation's Partnerships for International Research & Education (PIRE) Award # 1243543

David Feldman, professor of Planning, Policy, and Design, director of Water UCI, and a member of the UCI Water PIRE team, has travelled to Australia with the UPP Down Under program and appears in the video, at one point noting the importance of these global, interdisciplinary experiences in order to promote awareness that it is within our own hands to create a different world, with research, policy, and planning that allow cities to be redesigned to be part of the ecosystem rather than in opposition to it.

What is PIRE? 

UPP Down Under

