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Water Research Cited in Analysis of Proposed California Water Safety Bills

Maura Allaire’s water quality research has been cited in a New York Times Op-Ed,  “Safe Drinking Water For All,” on upcoming California legislation to fund safe drinking water projects.

In February, Allaire, assistant professor of urban planning and public policy at UCI, published research on “National trends in drinking water quality” in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

"Overall, this study informs a more directed approach to increasing compliance with drinking water quality regulations,” says Allaire. “Identifying hot spots and vulnerability factors associated with violations can allow public policies to target underperforming water systems. Even though major crises are rare, a sizable population drinks water each year that fails to meet national quality standards. By better understanding the trends and where these concerns occur, we can prioritize interventions and drive real change.”

Real change may be on tap in California. State lawmakers will vote this month on a new proposal to help ensure access to safe and affordable drinking water. The New York Times Opinion piece provides background and evaluation of the legislation and cites Allaire’s PNAS research.

Read the Op-Ed: “Safe Drinking Water For All,” New York Times, August 21, 2018
