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Policy Specialization

A specialization in policy in the Ph.D. program in UPPP would be based on meeting the following requirement (in addition to fulfillment of the core courses):
Develop and fulfill a plan of coursework approved by a two-person committee (advisor, plus one departmental faculty member) that includes at least four courses in policy. In general, it is expected that students will take one course in theory related to policy (in addition to the two theory courses required for the core Ph.D in UPPP, which may also be policy-related), one course in methods related to policy (in addition to the methods courses required for the corePh.D. in UPPP) and two courses in a policy topic.
Below is a list of courses currently taught in the department that may be considered for each of these categories in the policy specialization. Specific decisions about which courses are appropriate theory, method and topic courses must be made by the student and their faculty committee. Given the breadth of this field, what is theory for some might count as method or topic for others.

UPPP 203 - Theoretical Foundations of Planning
UPPP 206 - Microeconomics for Policy Analysis
UPPP 221 - Public Policy
SE 261 - Theory Development
UPPP 270 - Environmental Ethics
UPPP 276 - Principles of Environmental Design
UPPP 279 - Power and Empowerment in Organizations
UPPP 283 - Collaborative Governance and Public Management
UPPP 209 - Qualitative Research Methods: Overview
UPPP 213 - Advanced Qualitative Methods: Qualitative Data
UPPP 220 - Qualitative Methods: Field Work & Data
UPPP 227 - Qualitative Methods: Case Study
UPPP 228 - Demographics for Planners
UPPP 237 - Introduction to GIS
UPPP 238 - Advanced GIS
UPPP 207 - Development Control Law and Policy
UPPP 212 - Transportation Planning
UPPP 224 - Environmental Politics and Policy
UPPP 231 - Transportation and Environmental Health
UPPP 239 - Urban Design Theories and Applications
UPPP 244 - Land Use Policy
UPPP 246 - Housing Policy
UPPP 252 - Environmental Law and Policy
UPPP 273 - Global Urbanization
UPPP 276 - Principles of Environmental Design
UPPP 278 - Culture, Community, and Space
Courses that are taught outside the department are also eligible for consideration.