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Student Opportunities

Urban Studies undergraduates at UCI are committed to learning about how to foster more equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and livable communities, and are active participants in a variety of related campus organizations and educational opportunity programs.

Urban Studies Student Association (USSA)

USSA creates a support system for undergraduates interested in the field of Urban Studies, providing both educational and social opportunities to enhance their academic experience. Find out more about USSA on their Facebook page (@UCIrvineUSSA) or website.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)

There are many research and creative opportunities available to undergraduates. Students can conduct a research or creative project in ANY discipline, no matter if their interest is anthropology, biomedical sciences, composition, dance, engineering, psychology, etc. UROP helps students find research and creative opportunities either on campus with faculty, or off campus with industrial partners, national labs, and other universities. Learn more at the UROP website.

UCI Study Abroad Center

The mission of the Study Abroad Center is to foster a culture at UCI in which study abroad is expected and achievable for all students. The Center assists students in participating in programs abroad that offer unique academic opportunities, international learning and personal development while making progress toward their UCI degree. Visit the UCI Study Abroad website for more information. 

Civic and Community Engagement Minor Program

An exciting interdisciplinary program that provides students with knowledge, skills, and opportunities to engage as citizens and community members in the 21st century. All undergraduate students on campus are eligible, regardless of major. Students who want to make a difference in our world, at the local, national, or international level, are especially encouraged. Learn more at the CCE webpage.

Global Sustainability Resource Center (GSRC)

The GSRC is a hub for students, providing resources, education, and programming to forward environmental balance, economic vitality, and social equity. Students, as well as campus and community partners, are invited to share a platform from which to address the root causes of ecological disruption, deepen understandings of the interdependence of all life, and engage the challenges and solutions of sustainability in a campus, community, and global context. Visit the GSRC website for more information.

UCDC Summer Internship Program (UCDC)

The UCDC program sends 40 to 50 outstanding undergraduate students to live and intern in Washington, D.C. for 10 weeks each summer. Students live and have the opportunity to take classes at the UC Washington Center in the heart of DC, just blocks from the White House. UCDC is a great opportunity for students to examine the behind-the-scenes activities that shape and implement our nation’s future course. Learn more at UCI's UCDC Summer Internship webpage.  

UCDC Academic Internship Program

The UC Irvine Washington DC Academic Internship Program in Washington DC, enables UCI students from all majors to pursue internships, seminar and elective courses, and research in fall, winter, or spring quarters. The UCDC Academic Internship Program is part of the Capital Internship Program, a unit of UCI's Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE).

UC Center Sacramento (UCCS)

Students from all UC campuses may enroll in UC Center Sacramento.  UCCS advances the University’s mission of teaching, research and public service with an integrated program to train future state leaders, to address challenging public-policy issues confronted by the nation and state, and to carry out the University’s mandate to assist state government. Our academic program is offered every quarter and in the summer. Internship placements are tailored to students' background, experience, and career goals. Visit the UCCS website for details. 

UCI Fresh Basic Needs Hub

UCI's FRESH Basic Needs Hub is a student-initiated effort that promotes equitable access to basic needs through student empowerment, community collaboration, and institutional integration. Their aim is to shift cultural consciousness towards understanding the fulfillment of basic needs, which include food and housing security – a guaranteed right for every person. Find out how to get involved at the UCI Basic Needs website

Blum Ambassadors Council (BAC)

The BAC functions as a student association of the Blum Center for Poverty Alleviation, attracting student leaders who are passionate about poverty action. Throughout the school year, the Ambassadors network with visiting scholars, volunteer with campus and community organizations, and host events to raise a greater campus awareness of poverty in its many forms. Find out more at the BAC webpage

Public Health Association at UCI (PHA)

The PHA is an organization dedicated to promoting public health through education, service, advocacy, and social engagement. Open to students of all majors at UC Irvine, PHA gives members a chance to explore issues and careers in the field of public health, serve the UCI campus and greater community through student-led and partnered activities, and network with diverse yet similar-passioned individuals who aspire to improve public health in their communities and across the globe. Visit the PHA website for more information.​

Real Estate Association at UCI

Real Estate Association brings together UC Irvine students who share an interest in the field of real estate. Open to all majors and backgrounds, the association provides opportunities to learn more about real estate, develop their leadership and professional skills, and further their passion for service to the community. Visit the REA at UCI website for more information.

Anteaters Habitat for Humanity

As a UCI chapter of Habitat for Humanity Orange County, the group strives to promote student awareness of and involvement in the humanitarian aid and environmental conservation efforts in Orange County, while building a fun and interactive student community through social events and volunteer opportunities.

Water UCI

Water UCI is an interdisciplinary center in the School of Social Ecology that facilitates collaboration across schools, departments, and existing research centers around questions of fundamental and applied water science, technology, management, and policy.

Photo: University of California, Irvine