Why get involved with professional organizations when you’re a student? You can gain local and specific knowledge about the field, meet professionals, and make an impression by attending area programs and events. Local, state, and national chapters all have many offerings, both educational and social, and many have a student rate for membership and attendance. Click the links to learn more about options and opportunties.
American Planning Association (APA)
From the APA, on student membership:
"It's easier and more affordable than ever for students and new planners to get started in APA. In fact, membership is now free for any student actively enrolled or matriculated in any university or college degree program. It remains free for the duration of an individual's studies. "Free" includes APA, APA chapter, and AICP membership as well as membership in up to five APA divisions. Student members will be eligible for two years of reduced dues after ending their studies." Sign up today - APA student membership page.
Orange Section of the American Planning Association (OC-APA)
Orange County Young Planners Group (OCYPG)
Urban Land Institute Orange County/Inland Empire (ULI)
Orange County Association of Environmental Professionals (OCAEP)
Orange County Women in Transportation Seminar (WTS)
METRANS Transportation Center - The consortium supports has an excellent weekly newsletter for students interested in transportation issues and careers - METRANS on the Move, with events, scholarships, job and internship opportunities. Subscribe to the newsletter
MURPs and local planning professionals are most likely to be involved with the groups above. However, depending on your areas of interest, you may also benefit from checking into other organizations, as well. A few suggestions are listed below. Faculty and professional mentors may also be able to provide guidance on professional organizations.
- American Society for Public Administration
- Association of California Cities - Orange County
- National Association of Development Organizations
- National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
- Urban Affairs Association